Get Involved
You are invited to join us for fellowship & worship, connection & prayer.Services
At The Perkin’s Centre
Join Us Online
To be connected to our Zoom worship gatherings, please email
Wednesday Potlucks
Join us once a month at 6pm at the Perkins Centre to enjoy a meal, activities and good conversation. See calendar for upcoming dates.
Sunday Morning Worship
Join us every Sunday morning at The Perkins Centre to sing, pray and read Scripture together.
10:15am Coffee & Fellowship
10:30am Worship Service
We typically have Sunday school for ages 4-12yrs from September-June.
Please enter at the side door on Crosthwaite Ave.
Find Us In East Hamilton
Ball Hockey
Thursdays 7-9pm
Join us Thursday nights in the fall, winter and spring for ball hockey in the Faith United Church gym. Teens and adults welcome! Talk to Tim for more details.
Thursdays 7-9pm
Join us Thursday evenings at 7pm in the Delta United Church gym. Talk to Mark for more details.
Our Community Partnerships
New Hope Church members can be found serving in many ways in our neighbourhood and city. Here are some places where you can find us! Please click the boxes below to learn more about these groups and organizations.
Frequently Asked Questions
What should I expect on a Sunday morning?
At 10:15 a.m. refreshments are available in the Atrium, just inside the front doors of the Perkins Centre. At 10:30 a.m. the service begins with music followed by the community lifting one another up in a time of prayer. After that, someone from our speaking team shares a message from the Bible. Our liturgies are diverse, but services end with fellowship every week. Dress casually. A few times in the year we serve in our community on a Sunday morning; please check the calendar for dates.
Where will my kids be during the worship service?
During the worship service children may dance with streamers and instruments during the songs, and there are colouring supplies available at the tables. We usually have Sunday School during the second half of the service for ages 4-12yrs from September-June.
Is the worship service accessible?
Absolutely! It’s very important to us that everyone feels welcome in our community life, including during the worship service. There’s an accessible bathroom right near the common room as well.
Do I have to be a Christian to show up?
Nope! Come as you are. We try to explain terms that might be unfamiliar so everyone can follow along, so let us know if there’s something that you don’t understand. We are following Jesus together, and this shared pursuit is the foundation of our community. We invite anyone with questions to join us in learning together.
What's your leadership model?
For over a decade we had a lay leadership model. Then in 2017, we brought on a Ministry Coordinator to help us stay organized, and 4 years later we added a Pastor of Discipleship and Mission.
Our staff team of Steve Dykstra and Anya Frost are instrumental in working alongside our various teams, such as the leadership team, teaching team, service planning team, etc.
How often do you take communion?
Every 4-6 weeks. We practice an open table, and welcome children and all those who believe Jesus as their Lord and Saviour.
How can I stay in the loop about what's happening at New Hope?
You can sign up for our email list by contacting
We send out weekly prayer requests, as well as the occasional announcement and service information. Alternatively you can join the conversation on our Facebook group or check out our church calendar.
How does the New Hope community spend time together outside of Sunday worship?
Following Jesus means that we eat together, serve together and worship together. During the week you can find us at potlucks, making meals together in the community kitchen, learning together through book studies and discipleship huddles, taking care of children in the park, protesting at City Hall, exercising together on the escarpment stairs and biking to work, even if that means cycling all the way to Paris!
Ultimately, we enjoy serving in the community. That's what defines our community. We want to see East Hamilton flourish and prosper. We want to be people of hope in our neighbourhoods, and we’re grateful that we’ve been able to grow here by the grace of God since 2008.
What denomination does New Hope belong to?
We have roots in the Christian Reformed Church.
Can your church help me with food or grocery vouchers?
Our Pastoral Care team shares freezer meals when available and otherwise directs those struggling with food insecurity to Hamilton Food Share.